Battery Baterai Refill Total Station


Batre Refill Total Station

baterai untuk total station series GTS/Set
batre dalam

3000mAh 3.7V
awet tahan tahan lama

The HG2 is a rechargeable 18650 lithium-ion (li-ion) IMR cell produced by LG. This cell is unprotected, and it possesses no protected circuit board (PCB). The voltage is 3.6-3.7V, and the full charge voltage is 4.2V. The HG2’s maximum discharge current is 20A, and it has a flat top terminal.

Specifications. Voltage: 3.7V. Capacity: 3000mAh

*Harga Dapat Berubah Sewaktu-waktu tanpa pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu.
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*Barang selalu kami cek terlebih dahulu sebelum di kirim.
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Baterai Refill Total Station

baterai untuk total station series GTS/Set
batre dalam

3000mAh 3.7V
awet tahan tahan lama

The HG2 is a rechargeable 18650 lithium-ion (li-ion) IMR cell produced by LG. This cell is unprotected, and it possesses no protected circuit board (PCB). The voltage is 3.6-3.7V, and the full charge voltage is 4.2V. The HG2’s maximum discharge current is 20A, and it has a flat top terminal.

Specifications. Voltage: 3.7V. Capacity: 3000mAh\

DND Survey
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Harap tanya ketersediaan stok terlebih dulu ya sebelum order:)

Waktu Pengiriman :
*Senin – Jumat pukul 11.00 – 15.30 barang langsung dikirim.
*Sabtu pukul 11.00 barang langsung dikirm.
*hari minggu dan libur nasional, dikirim hari berikutnya.

Atau Kunjungi Langsung Office Store Kami :
Alamat : Komplek Sukamenak Indah Block Q No.90 Kopo Sayati,Kab Bandung, Jawa Barat 40227.


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